Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day Two in Paris - Le Jardin des Plantes - July 25th

Today was a beautiful hot summer day which I spent exploring Paris. This would have been my mother's 85th birthday, and I kept thinking that she would have enjoyed this day.

Le Jardin des Plantes we founded in 1626, while the small zoo within the garden was founded in 1795. They are located right next to where I was staying. 

"Do you know what the bats of Paris eat? Insects? Yes, I adore mosquitoes. Blood? Blah! I detest blood."

Note: les chauves souris translates literally as 'bald mice'.

Nice kitty?

Nice big kitty?

French lesson... Formation of the egg

What a pretty bird.

Paris, and France, have beautiful trees.

Le Jardin des Plantes 

An urban beehive created to help honeybees which are in trouble around the world due to a drastic rise in Colony Collapse Disorder. The pieces of wood in this structure have holes drilled in them that are the perfect size for honey bees.

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